Who am I to Say You Can Heal Fibromyalgia?
Who in the world am I to come on here and say that you can heal your fibromyalgia?!
You have good days and bad days and over time you adapt to it. You don’t even realize how much you are suffering. Then you have a good day and try to figure out what created such a good day so you can create more of them. Good days make you realize how bad you have been feeling. It can literally can be shocking AND it can give HOPE. It is not uncommon that when you feel terrible for so long, you forget how it feels to feel good. Even worse is that you didn’t believe your body could even feel good again. Like it was not even capable.
With the good days, you get a little glimmer of what is possible and usually try to replicate it. Maybe you have a whole week of feeling good…then the wheels fall off the bus and you go back to having bad days. When this happens again and again, it is as if our health and feeling well are out of our control. The only obvious option is to take control by learning to live with fibro and manage its symptoms, which is much like managing a lion in a cage. It is difficult and it is tiring. Fibro is a relentless beast waiting to pounce. While this felt like my destiny for a while, it was never really a viable option for me.
When I was about 16, I collected this set of quotes which shaped my life:
“I exist. I am. I am here. I am becoming. I make my life and no one else makes it for me.” Leo Buscaglia
”Inner freedom is that freedom which establishes out own personal identity and our uniqueness. It is a freedom of spirit, a discovery that we are completely free, which gives life new meaning. It is a discovery that only we can live our lives and that we are responsible for our own attitudes and actions. A free person is committed and can declare: ‘I am someone special. My life and my spirit mean something to me. I owe it to myself to seek my goals.’” Sister Margaret M. Bielinski, OSB
“By virtue of being human, we all have the capacity to embrace whatever thoughts we’d like and to become anything we’d like to become. Around the world, people are becoming masters of their own lives. Being discarded are the negative beliefs that life is meant to be a struggle—punctuated with fear, lack, limitation and the belief that we are mere victims—in favor of the beliefs that there is more to life than what we experience. That our limitations are self-imposed, and that we all have a responsibility to reach our highest potential. In so doing we make a difference in the quality of life for all humanity. So, based on your present life experiences, what are you choosing to create—lack, limitation, fear, confusion and frustration? Or are you choosing to make your life a great adventure of harmony, joy, happiness, success, creativity and peace of mind?”Susan Smith Jones, PhD
Somehow, these installed as part of my cellular being. I believed these words. At some point, doctors ruled out other “more serious” health conditions and said I had fibromyalgia. I will never forget going to see a kindly 70+ year old M.D. who had fibromyalgia himself and had built a practice around treating patients with the same mysterious condition. I excitedly told him I’d been feeling about 80% better off gluten, dairy and other food offenders and he said, “Well, that’s nice, but you will always have fibro and you will just need to accept the fact that you cannot do as much as you may want to do.”
Wait, what? You are actually telling me, an otherwise healthy, vibrant 27 year-old, that I will have to live like I am over 70? Are you actually being real with me right now? That was NOT OKAY. Remember, I owed it to myself to make something of myself. My life and my spirit meant something to me. That was #gamechangernumberone, not accepting dis-ease as my destiny.
“No thank you,” I said, “I will not be setting another appointment.” I’ll find another way. And I did. Five years later, improving all the way with more good days and some bad days mixed in, I could say with complete confidence that I was all better. Through all of my own trial and error and through helping others with chronic pain, that time span can be much shorter for people who want to heal their bodies. Why? Now we know all the key pieces.
First, I cleaned up my physical body: I addressed toxins, viruses, and food sensitivities. That took me about 90% of the way to feeling better. BUT if something triggered an old emotion, I could go from feeling fine to being in a full blown flare up within 20 minutes! There was no safety, no assurance I wouldn’t feel bad any given day or really any given hour.
When it was clear that treating my physical body was not going to heal me for good, I tackled underlying emotional causes. That was #gamechangernumbertwo, discovering the mind-body connection AND finding a method to help mind and body make peace. I wish I had found it years earlier. But at that point, I had no clue about the mind-body connection. No, seriously, no flipping clue. Figuring that out was the lynch pin. The thing that had held all that pain in place. And when I found a way to release it, my body no longer had to cry in pain. Clearing the stress and emotions that were trapped in my body using Healing from the Body Level Up changed my whole life and helped my body heal completely within 6 months. Of course I had to learn how to use this method to work with my clients and eventually would teach 4 and 5 -day trainings for mental health professionals so they would have tools that actually worked. Basically, and I do not say this lightly, I owe my quality of life and my fascinating career to Healing from Body Level Up…which means I owe my happiness to it too.
I went from living with fibro to resolving it. While living with fibro, I managed that lion by eating a very restricted diet, which was worth it, but was really no fun living in that cage. I could only exercise very lightly and had to be super careful not to overdo. Clearing out the unconscious emotional weight took me to feeling well no matter what previously “forbidden” foods I ate. I was able to exercise more vigorously and be very active. I did not get laid out for days if I “overdid” it—which one time meant I stretched a bit too much during a floor/mat yoga class. Give me a break! Guys, that was ridiculous. And it SUCKED. I didn’t need the 800 mg ibuprofen anymore and I cried tears of joy when I went zipping down a big hill riding my bike for the first time in over 15 years as I trained for my first sprint triathlon.
This is what I want you to know. You can do far more to take control of your life than to manage the symptoms of fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, Epstein Barr virus and other hard-to-diagnose illnesses. If you would like more information on how we shift out of a dis-ease as destiny mindset and clear out trapped emotions and other underlying causes of physical dis-ease, feel free to reach out and we can determine if this approach might be helpful. Also, you can watch my FREE ONLINE WORKSHOP where I lay out all the puzzle pieces in one place here: https://www.thefibrofreedomformula.com .